Friday, September 13, 2013

ATG Gun holder - a DIY project

I got so tired of my ATG gun falling over that I began to try to think of something I might use as a stand for it. I was preparing dinner, used the last of my processed cheese and was ready to discard the box to the recycle bin when I had a sudden 'creative moment'!! I'm always looking for ways to use my Washi tape so I created an ATG gun stand!
 I started with my empty Nice 'n Cheesy box.

The only other supplies needed are a selection of Washi tapes, a craft knife (for cutting the notch out of the box), and scissors.

I decided to do a diagonal pattern with a variety of tapes, but you could do it any way that you wanted. I have found that Washi tape tends to pop up on the ends, so I secured the ends with some clear tape because I knew I'd be pulling my ATG in and out of the box often. But this works perfect for me...I'm so pleased with it.

1 comment:

Scrappin Mama said...

That is an awesome idea really cool gonna try that myself