Baby Will was born July 15 (the day we left for England!) weighing 8 lb. 8 oz. and approx. 20" long (they don't measure length here). We went straight from the bus to the hospital and later that night brought Baby Will home. He has Tori's dark hair and blue eyes (or so it appears!) and Greg's cheeks and chin. We don't know whose long feet and toes he has!! We have spent our days traveling by Oxford City Bus back and forth to their flat from the home we're staying in across town. We are so proud of our beautiful new grandson and wanted to share some pics with you. The first two pics were taken at the hospital as both DeDe and BaBa met Will (1 day old). The next is a pic of Will having fallen asleep playing cards, just like his BaBa sometimes does!! (3 days old) And the last pic is of the happy Finley family taken in Oxford City Center on Will's first big outing and first bus ride (9 days old).
Enjoy. Tomorrow is our last day here and it will be VERY hard to leave Tues. morning. But what a blessing to share in these first two weeks of Will's life! Will has already been to the home where DeDe and BaBa are staying for an afternoon of cards, a small group fellowship, shopping at Mothercare and Tesco's, 2 bus rides and a stroll through City Center as everyone 'Oooohs and aaaahs!' Tonight he'll go to church for the first time! That's a lot for a 10 day old baby!
Will smiling at the webcam that he thinks is his DeDe! After all, it talks to him in DeDe's voice!
I have been waiting for this update!!! Congrats to you all! In the first picture, he looks so much like his mom, but in the last picture he looks very similar to his dad. How cool. And how AWESOME that the timing of your visit was so perfect. What a blessing!
Thanks, Melissa, I look forward to your comments!! I just saw that you have a blog too! But you need to put more pics on it!
He's adorable...thanks for posting the cute pictures of my new nephew! We got to watch him on Skype the other evening, and he's a wiggly booger! Welcome you.
So sweet! Sound like he's a busy little guy. Hope they're enjoying the new addition. I'll look forward to more updates!
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