Friday, March 7, 2008

And 24 hours later!

The sun is out - a beautiful day except for all the slush!

About 11 am this morning (Friday)

And then this one taken about 1 pm.

These are a few pics I took on the way home from the beauty shop a few minutes ago. Our big Live Oak tree in the front is "a happy tree", but there are several 'sad trees' in our neighborhood too!

At the End of the Day...

it looked like this!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oh My!! The Snow!!

Now I know that I'm a Texan, but I HAVE seen snow before. This, however, is the most beautiful snow I've ever seen. It's not coming down in flakes, it's coming down in 'clumps'!! I keep taking pictures hoping to capture the beauty of it, but of course, a picture never does. I'm going to post a few anyway. Clint is on his way home from work and I'm sure it'll take him 4 to 5 hours to get home. Everything is covered and the temp is sitting right at 32 degrees. Of course, all of this will freeze tonight so tomorrow will be a 'sit at home in front of the fireplace day'! (I hope!) At least until we leave for San Antonio! So here they are - enjoy!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Guess what! Last Monday morning it got up to 70 degrees, then by 8:30 Monday evening it was snowing like crazy!! We had over 3 inches of snow! Today it is back up to 70 and tomorrow there is another chance of snow! CRAZY, HUH!

What a busy month lies ahead of us! But a fun month. We'll get to spend time with all of our favorite kids!! We leave Friday to head to San Antonio. Our sweet 7 yr. old granddaughter Bethany will be baptized Sunday and we wouldn't miss getting to share in that. Then the next weekend I will head to East Texas with Teri (our Denton daughter)and a group of my 'young' friends for a weekend of scrapbooking! WooHoo!! Then the next weekend is Easter. The choir will participate in all 3 services Easter morning at church then we'll head over to Teri and Darren's to watch Kaytlyn and Riley hunt Easter eggs and have lunch with their family (including Teri's brother Tim and Darren's mom Marcia) Then the next weekend I'm off to another retreat - BSF Retreat - a wonderful weekend of worship and inspiration.

I'll have lots more to share after these fun weekends! Have a blessed Easter holiday.