In one week, we got to pick both blueberries and blackberries. Wed. morning, 4th of July, our alarm went off at 4:45 a.m. We walked out of the house at 5:20 with everything we needed to go on a blueberry-picking adventure! We drove about 45 minutes to the north to Bailey's Berry Farm outside of Sadler, TX. We arrived there at 6:20 (we bought gas on the way) and, believe it or not, we weren't the first ones there! Two families were already in the field picking. We got our buckets and off we went. We were lucky because the weather was cloudy and very comfortable. It did rain on us a little, but that didn't slow us down one bit! We were instructed to pick the berries that were dark blue with a dusty look to them.
Several days later our friends Becky and Al Camp called and asked if we wanted to go pick blackberries! Of course we jumped at the chance, but this time we would be picking in the late afternoon. The following Monday we left at 5:15 to head north only about 15 miles to a blackberry farm outside of Sanger. It didn't take us nearly as long to get our gall0n of blackberries as many of them were quite large!
Blackberry cobbler is sounding pretty good right now!!
The last pic shows Al, Becky, and myself...with full buckets, hot and ready to go home!! What a fun time we had.